GRD e.V.: Construction of a dolphin protection center in Croatia

The association “Gesellschaft zur Rettung der Delphine e.V. (GRD)”, founded in 1991, is committed to saving the last approximately 200 Adriatic dolphins, whose population has been reduced by more than half in the last 35 years due to the destruction of the ecosystem.

In addition to the establishment of protected areas and the rescue of injured and stranded animals, the establishment of a dolphin protection center in Croatia is planned. This animal protection project was founded in 1999 by the GRD together with veterinarians from the University of Zagreb under the direction of Prof. Dr. Hrvoje Gomercic.

Already in the 1980s, Croatian scientists specialized in marine mammals and contributed significantly to the dolphin protection law that has been in place since 1995. But due to lack of finances they were limited to laboratory work, i.e. the examination of dead dolphins.

With the delivery of the first GRD patrol boat and additional equipment in June 2000, Croatian animal conservationists were finally able to begin important field work and are now able to rescue whales and dolphins stranded alive or lost in the numerous bays of the Croatian Adriatic and estuaries.

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